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Construction of new sidewalks • Sidewalk extension • Sidewalk repair • Special sidewalk requirements • Handicap Ramps • Valley Gutter & all types of Curbs • Structural concrete

Construction of new sidewalks and extensions

The new concrete is poured using 3000-psi concrete mix or higher depending on the situation. If you need to open the area up to traffic within 24 hours, we can use quick curing concrete that sets up faster. We always barricade the site thoroughly to protect your customers and residents and backfill the new concrete with dirt. We take great pride in our concrete abilities and ask you to give us a try on your next project .

Sidewalk repair

Cracked concrete sidewalks and curbs are trip hazards and can be a major liability. Our highly trained crews can quickly remove your deteriorated concrete and replace it with new concrete that meets the surrounding grade evenly and looks great. We have the equipment and manpower to get the job done quickly, safely and with precision. And with our own concrete trucks, we can control the quality of the mix to make sure it meets our specifications and yours.

Base Preparation

Handicap ramp construction is important as wheelchair bound people and disabled or handicapped persons use handicap ramps to access elevated areas as well as downward areas. Wheel chair ramps can be difficult for some disabled people. As such, such an individual should be provided with a handicap ramp. Different handicapped people have different physical needs and that is why such a construction is important to function as a mobility aid. The handicap ramp is designed to help different types of handicapped people.

General road Restorations

Curb and gutter forms are used when concrete contractors need to place a concrete curb and a gutter combination. The curb and gutter forming systems consists of a back form, a face form, a front form, a division plate and a top spreader. Back and front forms are standard straight or radius forms with the back form taller than the front form. 

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+1 305-592-6353

2451 NW 109 AV.  Miami, FL, 33172

Our Storage Yard is located just in front our offices


2451 NW 109 AV.
Miami, FL, 33172
Tel 305-592-6353
Fax 305-592-6354