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Our History

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Quality Construction Performance was founded in 2002 as a family-owned and operated business Luis Ramirez along with the help and support of his wife Elisa. A veteran of public and commercial construction, Luis felt the need to reintroduce good prices without risking quality and performance into the industry.

The company opened its first office on His house in March 2002, focusing on subcontracting jobs.

By the end of 2002, the company already has the small business certification by Miami Dade County, which allow the company to start bidding and wining several projects with the government.

Today, Quality Construction Performance employs over 80 skilled professionals and has earned many recognitions as a one of the most efficiency and secure price value construction companies in South Florida.

Call now! 305-592-6353

If you have any question or need assistance, please call our customer service department in one of this easy ways for you:
Costumer Service: 305-592-6353
Mail: or

Contacts us NOW!

+1 305-592-6353

2451 NW 109 AV.  Miami, FL, 33172

Our Storage Yard is located just in front our offices


2451 NW 109 AV.
Miami, FL, 33172
Tel 305-592-6353
Fax 305-592-6354